BRAND CAMP: build a brand that feels like you, attracts values-aligned dream clients, and gets you excited to show up online in just 90 days

an 90 day group brand consulting program
Tuesdays, 11am - 12:30pm ET from May 21st – August 27th


if you’re bored to tears by your branding, your audience probably is too

But attracting more dream clients doesn’t have to feel like pulling teeth—it can actually be fun!

You don’t need boring ass Ideal Client Avatars or the *perfect* Canva template to get results.
Your brand can attract more dream clients when you finally show up as yourself & use your biz to create positive change in the world.


You know you’re great at what you do but the outward facing part of you biz doesn’t accurately reflect that (or you tbh). Brand Camp will help you get there in 90 days and is for you if…

  • You’ve got at least one offer you’ve been able to sell consistently

  • You’re often less than excited to show up on social media & create content

  • You want to use your business to create positive change in the world yet unsure of how to make that a reality

  • You feel like there’s a disconnect between the work you’re doing for your clients and how you’re perceived online and in your marketing

  • You often have a pit in your stomach when it comes time to talk about your offers or make a sale

For the past 12 years, I’ve been helping entrepreneurs like you get the clarity they need in order to show up with confidence and find the joy in their business again by helping them improve their brand messaging. And I can show you how to do it too in just 90 days!

Summer Brand Camp is a 90 day group program during the slowest time of the year to help you reconnect with yourself, gain foundational branding knowledge, receive personalized and actionable advice for your biz, and get your the unshakable clarity you need to confidently show up and sell in the fall.


what to expect at camp 🏕️

⛺️ Bi-Weekly 90-Minute Calls
Get live guidance and feedback on your branding from me, an award-winning brand designer of 12+ years, and other values-aligned entrepreneurs like you.

🌲 Bi-Weekly Coworking Calls
Being in programs that help you focus on your business can be really exciting AND can feel like a lot on top of your workload. We build coworking into this program to keep you on track and get you the best results possible.

🛟 Evergreen Access to 8-Module Private Podcast
Learn industry-standard best practices for branding from taking values-led action to creating great messaging and visuals for marketing (without wasting time in Canva) through 15-30 minute lessons. Available as video modules or as a private podcast that you can listen to on-the-go!

🎒 Course Portal Jam-Packed with Resources
With no fluff! You’ll get access to workbooks, trackers and supporting materials to help make building your brand even easier!!

🌈 Slack Community
The best part of camp is the friends you meet along the way! Slack gives you space in-between calls to get feedback, support, express your frustrations, and celebrate your wins!

🥾 Done & Dusted Brand Assets
You walk away having written your vision & mission statements, values, understanding of dream clients, messaging guidance, refreshed brand visuals, and a plan to continue creating a positive change through your business. AND you’ll have it all corralled into a single file—Your Brand Map—for easy implementation!

🥇 1:1 Support (optional)
If you’re someone who benefits from a mix of group accountability and 1:1 individual attention, you have the option to add on 3 private calls with me for extra clarity.


brand camp itinerary

I’ve been helping well-established entrepreneurs, startups, non-profits and billion dollar businesses build unshakable brands for over 13 years. In this time, I learned that there are a number of pieces that entrepreneurs can focus on before investing in Unshakable Branding that can have a powerful impact on their businesses and bottom-line.

And that’s exactly what we’ll be covering in our time together!

Looking for the detailed call schedule with all the dates, times & specific topics? Grab it here!


Camper Results


In Round 1 of Brand Camp, here are some things campers’ celebrated:

  • Starting a new Instagram reels series 📲

  • Quitting a day job that was draining & no longer aligned 🕊️

  • Attracting more dream clients & getting amazing testimonials from them ⭐️

  • Finding new collaborators and ways to expand their businesses 📈

  • Revamping brand visuals and applying it to their website and social media 🎨

  • Writing mission and vision statements in a way got them excited to show up in their business again 🥳

  • Learning to rest and prioritize ESPECIALLY when it feels like there isn’t time for it 💖

  • Getting deep clarity about who they actually serve and making changes to their messaging to show them they’re in the right place 🌍


what’s the investment?

I am so excited to announce that I am now offering tiered, pay-what-supports you pricing for Brand Camp! Equity, access and diversity are essential values of my biz, and I’m excited to embody them in this way.

This model is inspired by the Green Bottle Model from Worts + Cunning as well as the guidance and education I’ve received from my coach, Emily Ann Brant within the Decolonized Coach Community.

You are invited to reflect on what you can contribute and what will help you show up & do this work!


Receive support from your community

This is for you if…

  • You have access to basic needs (food, housing, water, etc.) though sometimes it may feel challenging.

  • If you put away money to save up for the middle tier and it would take 12+ months

  • If you hold any marginalized identities (of the global majority, LGBTQIA2S, disabled, etc.) and it has negatively impacted your earning power

$1700 Pay-in-Full or 5 monthly payments of $340


Cover the cost of tuition & contribute toward a community spot

This is for you if…

  • You can pay-in-full or on a payment plan and still meet all your basic needs

  • You are able to take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden


  • If you received a $700 discount from me, this is for you (even if you are more aligned with highest tier)

$2500 Pay-in-Full or 5 monthly payments of $500


Cover the cost of tuition &
sponsor a community spot

This is for you if…

  • You have access to financial privilege (e.g., no major debt, personal savings, own property, easily able to pay for needs and wants without much strain, etc.)

  • You want to use your biz to support social change right away and sponsor a community spot

  • You can affording this without financial debt or strain

$3200 Pay-in-Full or 5 monthly payments of $640

My goal is for you to be able to make an investment that feels healthy for your financial situation and encourages you to show up fully and do this work. If you have questions or want to talk more about what tier might make the most sense for you, I am happy to hop on a call with you!



“I was so amazed, excited, and relieved to have had Kristy help me get my thoughts organized and onto paper in a way that really speaks to me and my clients. I am so excited to implement everything…into my website, my client experience, and my social media presence. 10/10 recommend!

– Katie Fletcher, Photographer



meet your camp counselor, kristy!

I’m a brand strategist and designer with a Masters Degree in Adult Education who helps creative entrepreneurs attract their ideal clients with ease by giving them the resources to master their messaging. 🎉

After spending years as a side-hustling freelance designer with a day job and repeatedly doing work I wasn’t proud of for clients who weren’t a good fit, I transformed my business into my full-time job and now work exclusively with my dream clients (yes, seriously!). I am so excited to share the steps I used to turn my business into the one of my dreams! 🌈✨

I’m a firm believer that if you’re brave enough to chase your entrepreneurial dreams, your branding shouldn’t be what holds you back from success. Let’s be honest, we’re all here because we have BIG BOLD GOALS for the future and refuse to let anything stand in our way. So let’s get you and your business feeling WILDLY ALIGNED!



you’ve got questions
& I’ve got answers!

When are the calls?

Calls will be happening weekly on Tuesdays from 11:00am – 1:00pm ET. See the call calendar & complete itinerary here. All group calls will be recorded and shared in the Brand Camp course portal.

What is the time commitment?

We will have weekly calls that are each 90 minutes. We will alternate between group support calls and coworking calls each week. This will ensure that you’re able to keep up with the coursework and associated tasks to help you get the most out of Brand Camp! During

Is this only for service-based entrepreneurs?

Nope! This is perfect for entrepreneurs of all types (product-based, service-based, coaching, online, in-person, you name it!). As a brand strategist, designer, and joyful business coach, I work with a wide variety of entrepreneurs and the work we do is universal to all entrepreneurs!

What if I’m also a designer and/or already have brand visuals (logos, colors, fonts, etc.) I love? Is Brand Camp for me?

Absolutely! Whether you’re a designer yourself or someone who just loves their existing visuals, Brand Camp is a great way to build out the other fundamentals that take a brand from good to great (like your vision, values, voice, dream clients, etc.). Past Campers who came in loving their visuals still were able to make small tweaks to their existing visuals to make them even stronger based on the one module that focuses on visuals! I’ve also created Camp to be a great space for graphic designers who need help with some of these initial activities to kickstart their own design process (because I KNOW how hard DIYing your visuals can be, even if you have the design chops)!

Do I need to have a niche in order to join?

No, AND this program might help you figure out what your most expansive niche is (because niche-ing down isn’t always about who you’re saying no to) OR how to create an impactful brand without a traditional niche (yes, it is possible)!